Watching Aajtak (or Aaj Tak) was an altogether difference experience on Saturday night as viewers were treated to the sight of a ghost that came riding a horse in the night amid a graveyard in Benares.
The so-called News Channel showed the legend about a graveyard where the scion of Tipu Sultan are buried. The channel not only aired all the superstitions prevalent among locals but also recreated the entire scenes as told by the local residents.
So with all the special effects of horror movies and taking cue from Ramsay Brothers the Aaj Tak showed its viewers Tipu Sultan, wearing a white robe, his face barely visible, sword in the hand and riding down the grave yard.
The programme 'Khauf' (Urdu word meaning fear) was aired today. Star and Channel 7 have similar programmes too but it seems all of them are out to prove that they will establish the presence of supernatural and ghost to Indian viewers.
What happen to all these channels?Are thy prone to ghostism! All main new channels are running one or two superstitious programme, wiht a good TRP.Hell! How come these channels play a ridiculous fact in such way.Ghost, spirit, devils, all are mythological fantasises, why they are all on a daily basis?Ask them why are they wasting monet and time of common viewer?
As a journalist and concern citizen, we must focus on issues, details and useful information.The brouhaha on braodcast bill is on.We must understand the conscience of the government.Hope you all think and wirte few words, here and there for a cause, that restricts you in future!
A dedication
We admit the value of TRP.We know the revenue cynics.We adopt the marketization of News.But why a media is so cruel, in terms of individaul life.Why this hypocrisy
? On one side, they gave 2 days to save a boy, on other, they left the 50 some mine labourers in the death trap! After playing the whole immolated drama on television, one should never believe this medium.It is a an act of deciet.A drama that has not emotion.We must ask the media, why they need a life burning on the camera.Why they need a manoj sharma on Independence day.From this 15 aug, the proud of television journalism is in suspicion.
This is a rubbish media to get the TRP's..
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