The Editor-in-Chief of Times Now channel, Arnab Goswami, was always considered a balanced anchor in comparison to several other journalists who wage wars on the screen.
But in the aftermath of the Mumbai terrorist strike, he has also received criticism for his role. Though most of the viewers' anger was directed at Barkha Dutt, the strange statements of Goswami have also been condemned.
Writers, media-watchers, bloggers and journalists were shocked to see the 'level-headed' Goswami lose his sanity and lash out at Arundhati Roy and Prashant Bhushan who were neither on the show, nor the channel was talking to them, absolutely without context.
Not allowing guests to speak in TV studio
Mala Bhargava writes that 'Arnab Goswami was acting like God on Judgment Day'. "There should be an etiquette school for the media. Well, someone’s got to stop them interrupting their own guest speakers!" The standards of journalism plummeted sharply in the period.
Blogger Smoken Frog writes, "While the Sangh Parivar does not seem to have come to a final decision over whether or not it is anti-national and suicidal to question the police, Arnab Goswami, anchorperson of Times Now television, has stepped up to the plate. He has taken to naming, demonising and openly heckling people who have dared to question the integrity of the police and armed forces."
Calling Arundhati Roy, Prashant Bhushan 'Digusting'
Poet and Novelist Prakash Kona says that "Arnab Goswami had no right to take the names of Arundhati Roy and Prashant Bhushan and to term them “disgusting.” How dare he do that just because he has the power to do so!"
"Firstly, directly or indirectly he’s associating Roy and Bhushan with the Mumbai attackers in the minds of the viewers. Just because she’s offering a perspective on the attack it doesn’t mean she sympathizes with the attackers. Secondly, apart from being entitled to personal conviction, she’s offering a point of view that needs to be carefully thought about. Most importantly she is making her audience think in alternate ways.
As another blogger middlemiddlemuddle gave a advice:
'You can redeem yourself, everybody makes mistakes'. It will not be easy for the once adorable and balanced person, Arnab Goswamy, to redeem himself after he sounded the battle cries and in process lost a part of his journalistic identity--credibility.
But in the aftermath of the Mumbai terrorist strike, he has also received criticism for his role. Though most of the viewers' anger was directed at Barkha Dutt, the strange statements of Goswami have also been condemned.
Writers, media-watchers, bloggers and journalists were shocked to see the 'level-headed' Goswami lose his sanity and lash out at Arundhati Roy and Prashant Bhushan who were neither on the show, nor the channel was talking to them, absolutely without context.
Not allowing guests to speak in TV studio
Mala Bhargava writes that 'Arnab Goswami was acting like God on Judgment Day'. "There should be an etiquette school for the media. Well, someone’s got to stop them interrupting their own guest speakers!" The standards of journalism plummeted sharply in the period.
Blogger Smoken Frog writes, "While the Sangh Parivar does not seem to have come to a final decision over whether or not it is anti-national and suicidal to question the police, Arnab Goswami, anchorperson of Times Now television, has stepped up to the plate. He has taken to naming, demonising and openly heckling people who have dared to question the integrity of the police and armed forces."
Calling Arundhati Roy, Prashant Bhushan 'Digusting'
Poet and Novelist Prakash Kona says that "Arnab Goswami had no right to take the names of Arundhati Roy and Prashant Bhushan and to term them “disgusting.” How dare he do that just because he has the power to do so!"
"Firstly, directly or indirectly he’s associating Roy and Bhushan with the Mumbai attackers in the minds of the viewers. Just because she’s offering a perspective on the attack it doesn’t mean she sympathizes with the attackers. Secondly, apart from being entitled to personal conviction, she’s offering a point of view that needs to be carefully thought about. Most importantly she is making her audience think in alternate ways.
As another blogger middlemiddlemuddle gave a advice:
'You can redeem yourself, everybody makes mistakes'. It will not be easy for the once adorable and balanced person, Arnab Goswamy, to redeem himself after he sounded the battle cries and in process lost a part of his journalistic identity--credibility.
Please read my article, once again on hypocritical reporting by TimesNow at kirat92.blogspot.com
i don't know why indians afriad of taking bold steps. why every other time we divide ourselves on issues which are of nation importnace or say for sake of counter view people like roy come up with stupid explanations.
As long as bloated heads in the media use even stronger words against those whose views and social stations differ from theirs, most in the media remain either silent or applaud them. But the moment someone criticizes, even when very rightly so, anyone from 'within', he is berated.
Arnab Goswami's coverage of Mumbai 11/26 was gripping and made viewers feel as if they were there on the spot. He managed to do sitting in the studio what many others big media stars miserably failed to do live. He and his team at Times Now in fact needs to be complimented for an outstanding coverage which began well before other channels even woke up and continued right through.
Arnab Goswami's stamina and unflagging interest was unbelievable. Others were totally pale and even mechanical in comparison.
Well I usually watch Times primarily because they focus a bit more on happenings other than cricket, Bollywood and crime.
I do agree that Arnab behaves more as a judge who has already decided the verdict than a moderator! It was there earlier but post Mumbai attacks its much more pronounced.
I thought a panel discussion is supposed to be a discussion and 'experts' brought in are experts and moderator helps by asking penetrating questions and let viewers judge. Apparently television these days doesn't think so. Sad days
Am bit late to post my ‘comment’ regarding this writeup on Arnab Goswami. Coz I avoided reading blogs, anywhere and everywhere, due to my wrong assumptions that blog content or quality may be questionable or compromising, and also due to indifference towards blogs. This article deserves one of the best critic’s masterpiece awards from some reputable global authority.
This blog also is a blessing-in-disguise wherein am scribbling my views for the first time in Blogosphere, better late then never.
This is despite my personal views being completely otherwise from this story and being all out total favour towards Mr. Arnab Goswami. It’s only ARNAB GOSWAMI WHO IS “INDIA’S BEST FACE” ON EXTREMELY POSITIVE CUM PROACTIVE BROADCAST JOURNALISM.
Atleast he talks straight to the point and talks by his heart, based on actual logics involved in any ascertained situation.
Let’s forget Prashant Bhushan, if Arnab said anything or something against him. I didn’t follow that news piece.
How can this blog’s story keep dual approaches on vis-à-vis Arundhati Roy and Arnab Goswami. Both are free and responsible enough to do, as deemed correct to themselves.
How can Arundhati Roy possess utmost liberty to talk and discuss about anyone she wishes to write or converse, about everyone she desires from around the globe in all mouthpieces she writes at! Does she talk and bring their viewpoints in her stories or columns?
She can do this and Arnab can’t criticize and talk in national interest and international humanitarian perspective! If we need alternative thoughts to be propped in readers or viewers, lets put things this way and discuss bit about Arundhati, from a bit of few past recalls.
1. Madam (Arundhati Roy) who also is 1997 Booker Prize recipient is free to take anti-imperialist viewpoints, anti-capitalism voice & anti-USA hegemony rhetoric, in the name of advocating her Socialist justice and promoting of Fabian concepts and YET accepted (RATHER THEN REJECTING OR DEJECTING) UK£-??-THOUSAND OF HER AWARD MONEY which was given by a reputable company (Booker-McConnell) - that was once most ferocious in the history of exploitation of hundreds of thousands of sugar plantation labourers, unless Jock Campbell turnaround it with his benevolent management and employee welfare altruism; SHE CAN DO RETURN SAME OF HER BOOKER REWARD MONEY (ALONGWITH INTERNATIONAL BANK INTEREST SINCE 1997 UPTO TODAY) even now to the world’s reputable capitalist-owners of the financial company that completely holds Booker ownership-of-sorts in today’s date viz. LSE listed Man Group Plc HQed at London, which is part of FTSE-100 index too, This shall show her actual advocacy/activism in-deeds (not just in-words) of being actually anti-capital or anti-imperial for real… If she can’t, let we accept that as a nation we are in intense love with prosperity deep within our innermost-beings, and we should be proud of it.. Because ‘prosperity’ or ‘resource-richness’ is the initiation of all sainthood and socialism in reality. So lets thank all capitalists before we thank socialists and let Arundhati Roy stop her double game – to live like a capitalist-socialite and talk like a socialist. WHEREAS, ARNAB GOSWAMI HAS NO SUCH DOUBLE SPEAK IN DEEDS AND IN WORDS. (I am darn honest towards my personal liking to capitalism, socialism both and to fabian-ism, and on being a socialite, so I love and admire the Bookers.)
2. Madam (Arundhati Roy) is often vocal in her potent writings against anti-terror actions, be it by USA/NATO, Russian military in Chechnya, Indian forces fighting insurgency and those into counter-terror ops, or Srilankan retaliation against ferocious LTTE - why does she compare them to Nazi extermination and gives an equivalent voice as if it’s a war or genocide against Islamic followers or Tamils? DOEST ARUNDHATI KNOW A DIFFERENCE THAT THOSE WHO ARE FIGHTING AND SACRIFICING THEIR LIVES PROTECTING HUMANITY, COUNTRYMEN OR SOCIETY FROM TERROR DESERVE A SIDE TO BE TAKEN WITH, RATHER THEN TO SIDE THOSE WHO ARE VIOLENTLY AGAINST COEXISTENCE, LOVE, BROTHERHOOD AND HUMANISM, IN THE NAME OF HUMAN-RIGHTS. Doesn’t she see the plight of 9/11 to all terror victims globally, including peace-loving civilians – elderly, adult, adolescents, men, women, boys, girls and kids – into Iraq and Afghanistan and everywhere, including those at Kashmir to Mumbai… Or she remains and chooses to be mute on the hunted’s suffering, and will keep siding the brutal hunter… (Largely, I feel all forms of “Doctrines of Force” are wrong and anti-mankind - not only Crime and Terror –but also Military, Law Enforcement, Jails, Police, Courts – but only science and its futuristic applications can rid humanity from genes in human DNA what nurture violence within mankind.)
At least ARNAB GOSWAMI is against terrorists/terrorism and those who infest and orchestrate violence, bloodshed and carnage and its sponsors within and outside. He is not dumb, but passionate, nor is he taking sides, but talking to-the-point. He speaks for all. He rubbishes everyone who deserves it, privileged, influential or commoners, mighty or rich, intellectuals or intelligentsia. Few people can acquire courage of such sorts as has amiable ARNAB GOSWAMI. He may not be God, but why can’t him and us all acquire godliness and truthfulness.
Lets shed hypocrisy.
This Mr Arnab Goswamy is the most
biased, deceptive, selfish anchor
on the news channel who is immature
and childish not to realise that he is making a mockery of independant journalism and himself
in front of the todays educated viewers. People are not to be blamed even if they obviously suspect that he has got vested interest in his behaviour pattern on his channel which blatantly, nakedly, and again childishly try to push his biased
view favouring a particular party
over the other and even unprofessionally interrupting the other guest on his chnnelto properly place their argument whe he allow his favoured party representatives to talk at length just making some noise as ifhe wants them to stop but actually allow to continue.Why the word childish is used here is oly children can be that foolish not to understand that guests as well as viewers can easily understand his biased game very unbecoming of the profession he represent. To be very
frank we sometime feel sorry for his unwise behaviour and wonder
when he will mature enough to be
a good anchor in its right spirit and meaing. If he continue like this
it is not too far that irritated and offended participants would
start aggressively objecting to his
injustice and put him in his place
then and there forgetting the demanour and decency they had been
trying to maintain even in utmost
provocation. Even people may think of judicial intervention in such
criminal acts of disinformation about matters of great concern to this country like communialism, secularism, etc etc. A judicial enquiry
about such channels and actions of such channels must be thought of
to give the country a unbiased, independent journalism by all concerned. Indian people deserve
Arnab, hight time you mature in your profession and look at serving this crores of citizens
without any returns from any side
and understanding that name, fame, awards and rewards are not
comparable with the service you
cn do to this nation from the
position you sit. Wish you the Very Best and May the Almighty take you to the right direction.
Mr.Arnab Goswami is such a journalist that the whole world is watching,he is fantastic and i make sure i always catch up his newshour.I am inspired alot by him and planned to become a journalist in timesnow. I m now 16 yrs girl and i m studing in Bangalore.
Og God What a weired way of looking at an anchor who is such
a flop except his histrionics and lies supporting one particular partyto get mileage for his owners
commercial greed.This particular group with print and visual media
is known for their unstinted support to one particular political party and more of with
its dynastic politics. Vandhana, you are so young and innocent to be attracted with such calculated dramas of these kind of business
houses holding media space and control in this country who adds to
the multi pronged problems of this
secular democratic country. They have
a line of ction and a target purpose
which is even feared to be controlled
by forces that are not good for our
country. Please, realise that the
sacred duty of JOURNALISM is to
give the common public or otherwise
a true facts of an event or happening and not side with one or other. I wish you all the best,
and i am glad about your wish, but
please please start watching this particular channel and especially
this particular anchor critically
instead of blindly attracted by his or anyones capacity to attract
people with soem or other screen dramas and cleverful tricky vocabulary which has many times failed and he had to face flak from
many people. They are after money, which is nicely called TRP. Before aspiring to learn journalism please try to understand the sacred principles
of this line of profession which affects country as a whole and
study athe channels from a impartial citizens perspective. Not only this channel and anchors but most of the english channels
will open your eyes. Then ofcourse you are welcome to have
your opinion. WISH YOU THE VERY
It seems that this blog is of those who believes in 'Sleep and grow' ideology.Whatever happening around you,unless it's happening to you off course,talk useless peace and submission.
Arnob Goswami has every write to criticize Arundhuti Roy.She is no goddess.
Everybody knows Arundhuti Roy is a 'writer gone mad'.
Arnab Goswami is the most happening face of today's Indian journalism. He has the power to shade hypocrisy. He is not magician, but yes can show us the truth from the right corner. LEts not believe in him. But try to think over the facts and figures given by him. This is his job to give us something to talk about,to make a movement and all. Criticism is the best way to escape. Lats congratulate him and learn from him that how to make own opinion and how to publish it.
One may find fault with much of present day television journalism. Quite often television reporting resorts sensationalism and in the process proffers banal, inane or trivial fare often ignoring topics of national interest.
This is an instance of Indian electronic media’s penchant for trivia at the cost of ignoring events of national interest: it made no mention of the recent case of a major of the Indian army, Manish Pitambare laying down his life in an operation against one of the most wanted terrorists, Sohel Faisal. It was left to the BBC to inform us about the major’s sacrifice for his motherland, making the world a wee bit safer by slaying another demon. On the other hand Sanjay Dutt’s bail plea in the illegal arms possession case got saturation coverage because he is a celebrity. Indian media’s obsession with celebrities was again to the fore when it went ‘gaga’ over an expatriate film-maker acquiring a second hand celebrity wife.
The following article was an attempt to lampoon Indian electronic media’s obsession with sensationalism:
http://voxindica.blogspot.com/2009/10/let-operation-in-j-and-detention-in-us.html and posted on
Be that as it may, we feel compelled to defend - and indeed compliment – Arnab Goswami for taking on Arundhati Roy. One must understand the context in which Goswami said that Roy was “disgusting”. Goswami only reflected the boiling rage of the whole nation at the killings, carnage and devastation a bunch of enemies of the state were wreaking in Mumbai. Anyone watching television during those fateful days would have felt the same.
The self-serving Roy professes that she does not believe in India’s democratic institutions including the Supreme Court. She avers that the Indian army in Kashmir is an army of occupation and every police action is a fake encounter. She fully utilizes India’s democratic institutions and free speech to heap abuse on them. She claims to be a one-citizen republic. Why then does she reside in India?
And what happened after Goswami said she was “disgusting”. The pacifist in Roy did not show the other cheek. She used her article in Outlook to heap abuses on him. For an avowed defender of free speech, her calling for his dismissal was handsome. Isn’t it?
By attacking Arnab Goswami in this instance, let us not throw the baby with the bathwater.
U. Narayana Das
Editor, Vox Indica
hi i am satyajeet singh ..
i am big huge of arnab goswami because he is gud news reader better than others and same i want become like him and.. i always catch up his newshour.I am inspired alot by him ...
hi Arnab, I am a huge fan of yours but why are u and your channel propogating aman ki aasha, and creating a hype of pak players not being included in the ipl!!!!! isn't it very clear to us that no aman is wanted by them......every day our soldiers die on the border fighting not only the terrorists but also pak soldiers who violate the rules daily!!!! why do we want any of then to come to india!!!! i think it is ridiculous.... u must get a poll of how many defence persnals who lay their lifes for their country would like this aman ki aasha of yours. dont you remember how they brutally murdered our capt in the kargil war.....please think over it .......jai hind
i only wish that this lobotomized dimwit (arnab goswami)had consumed enough of iodine to avoid mental deficiency.
And the FATWAH he issues every now and then against his own guests or even those not present there indicate that there has arrived yet another prophet after prophet mohammed-prophet arnab peace be upon him !!!!
I was a big fan of Arnab Goswami because he giving a lattest update and balanced discussion regarding all the burning issues through out the country but i have seen him biased on kashmir issue, he adressed the corruption issue like Annas movement for all 15 days but he was deaf on the issue like unmarked graves in kashmir. whenever there is discussion on kashmir issue he becomes impatient and not allowing the participants to complete their remarks. i hope he will in future remain unbiased and neutral on kashmir issue discussion.
I was a big fan of Arnab Goswami because he giving a lattest update and balanced discussion regarding all the burning issues through out the country but i have seen him biased on kashmir issue, he adressed the corruption issue like Annas movement for all 15 days but he was deaf on the issue like unmarked graves in kashmir. whenever there is discussion on kashmir issue he becomes impatient and not allowing the participants to complete their remarks. i hope he will in future remain unbiased and neutral on kashmir issue discussion.
Arnab Goswami,it seems,has strong likes and dislikes that robs him of balanced anchoring,at times; not always.But,his other attributes overshadow his shortcomings.His interjections sometimes are irritating.But,this is natural as he is thorough on facts and there is no other way to controle the panelists who enjoy their own speeches on TV. All things considered, I continue to be Arnab Goswami's fan.
A K SAXENA (A retired civil servant)
Arnab Goswami,it seems,has strong likes and dislikes that robs him of balanced anchoring,at times; not always.But,his other attributes overshadow his shortcomings.His interjections sometimes are irritating.But,this is natural as he is thorough on facts and there is no other way to controle the panelists who enjoy their own speeches on TV. All things considered, I continue to be Arnab Goswami's fan.
A K SAXENA (A retired civil servant)
I remain addicted to the Times Now 9 PM debate anchored by Arnab Goswami.But,the selection of panelists for debates continues to be a riddle wrapped in enigma inside a mystery.
I am apolitical.But,certain participants specially those who represent the Congress,seem to be unqualified.They digress from the Motion simply add to bitterness.The language used is highly intemperate,uncivil and even uncouth.Are they thrust by the Congress high command on Arnab Goswami,one wonders?Arnab must filter these unworthy "intellectuals" from such high profile debates as it impacts the credibility.The slanging between Subramaniam Swamy and someone called Sanjay Jha,was disgusting.The latter brought disgrace to the Congress party by his brutal sycophancy and much more.And, why has the Congress supremo again brought in Abhishek Manu Singhvi as General Secretary after his featuring in a video clipping containing porn stuff? Is the Congress devoid of sober spokespersons who carry modicum of respect in public eye?
Whatever may be the compulsions,The Times Now TV will nOT gain in its TRP without filtering the panellists.The Tom,Dick and Harry approach just to fill the slot will be disatrous.
A K SAXENA (A retired civil servant)
Media Jingoism Unlimited
August 17,2013
I religeously watch News debates on satellite channels covering a wide spectrum of subjects : Politics , Corruption and Security related issues. The criteria of inviting the panelists has always been to me a riddle,inside an enigma wrapped in mystery .
Some participants are politically charged to the point of absurdity, generating more heat than light. Some attention –seeking TV anchors take pride in eating into panellists’ time. They must be held accountable whenever debates generate excessive acrimony and remain inconclusive. Some anchors behave like tyrants with frequent interruptions to the annoyance of panelists and viewers alike.
Arnab Goswami of Times TV ,has always been a delight to watch.His research is both intensive and extensive, constantly updated by backroom boys. An anchor par excellence,he is. He is at his best while slamming politicians and particularly while interacting with Pakistani guests.
Nidhi Razdan of NDTV (24x7) committed a faux pas recently while talking with a British journalist . She,in her naivete, did not sound comfortable with UK's invite to Modi to address the House of Commons. Her anguish got a quick retort from the guest.This was embarassing.
Comments about my favourite Barkha Dutt,are reserved. Ravish Kumar of NDTV (Hindi) is an icon, mature and unbiased. I am scared of Karan Thapar and his habit of speaking with hands. This was once objected to by Arun Shourie.
Among the defence strategists, Maroof Raza,Sushant Sareen, Bharat Verma and Maj General G D Bakhshi, are impressive. G Parthasarthy, K C Singh ,both former Secretaries in MEA , make substantive contributions to quality of debates.
Ms Madhu Trehan has been my favourite since the “News Track” days.Matchless.
About the Congress spokespersons, less said the better.
I exercise my right to Freedom of Speech as a TV viewer. And,of course,without prejudice to anyone.This is for leisurely reading.
A K SAXENA (A retired civil servant)
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